Ouachita Cty
Looking for a little more elbow room and privacy in the Harmony Grove School District?…then look no further! The ‘Mustin Lake Road North Tract’ (#03019-04018) is a ±19.1-acre tract located in the eastern part of Ouachita County just south of East Camden. With most rural utilities, this property holds numerous possibilities and the pine plantation that is about ready for a first commercial thinning should provide all the seclusion you need. Call the Neeley Team and ask about ‘Mustin Lake Road North’! And if you are looking for additional acreage for even more privacy or acreage for all those other plans then check out ‘Mustin Lake Road South’, which is an adjoining 35.6 acres that is also for sale!Legal Description: Part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (Pt. NW¼ SW¼) of Section 22 in Township 13 North, Range 16 West, Ouachita County, Arkansas.Directions: From the intersection of US highway 278 and state highway #274, travel east on US-278 approximately 0.2 miles and turn right onto Ouachita Count Road #78. Travel approximately 1.9 miles and to the property.
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