Union Cty
The South Three Creeks Tract (#03019-03498) is a +/- 8.7-acre parcel of timberland located in southwestern Union County, Arkansas in the Three Creeks area (North 33.061979°, West -92.89578°). Access is excellent from Arkansas State HWY 15 along the south boundary and Coletown Road intersecting on the northeastern edge of the tract. Utilities exist along these roads to allow for home/camp site potential within the Junction City School District. The entire property consists of a well-stocked pine plantation established in 2017. According to the USDA NRCS web soil survey, the soil composition of the property contains mostly Amy silt loam and Smithton fine sandy loam, which gives the tract a weighted average site index of 88 feet for Loblolly Pine (base age 50). The north and west boundary lines are marked with white paint and the southern boundary is State HWY 15.
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