Dallas Cty
The ‘Spout Springs Road Tract’ (#03019-04044) is a ±66.5-acre tract located in the western part of Dallas County on the Clark County line. Access is Palmetto Road, a gravel county road that runs along the north boundary. Most of the tract, about 52 acres, contains a loblolly pine plantation that was planted in 2021 and is growing very well! The rest of the tract is a mixture of pine and hardwood timber located along a couple of creeks. One creek flows through the east side of the property while the other serves as the west boundary of the property. This tract should be a great long-term timberland investment that offers great hunting opportunities! Looking for something that offers both…then check out the Spout Springs Tract! Contact the Neeley Team with United Country – Neeley Forestry Service, Inc. at 870-836-5981 and ask about the Spout Springs Tract or check this property out online at! This offering does not include mineral interests.Legal Description: The Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE¼ NE¼) and the East Part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (E Pt. NW¼ NE¼) of Section 3 in Township 9 South, Range 18 West, Dallas County, Arkansas.Directions: From the intersection of state highway #7 and state highway #128, travel eastward on AR-7 for 1.3 miles and turn right (south) onto Palmetto Road (County Road #25). Travel 3.8 miles on Palmetto Road to the Dallas County line and turn right (west) onto Spout Springs Road (County Road #280). Travel along Spout Springs Road approximately 1.3 miles to the east boundary of the property.
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