Cheyenne Cty
Schroeder Farm
Cheyenne County, Kansas
The Property :
158.36 +/- acres in Cheyenne County KS, with 158 acres of dryland cropland. Past crops include wheat and grain sorghum with summer fallow crop rotation. 79.8 acres of grain sorghum is the present growing crop along with 78.2 acres of summer fallow which will be planted to winter wheat for harvest in 2025.
Prominent soils are Kuma Silt Loam, 1-3% slope and Ulysses Silt Loam, 1-3% slope.
Approimately, 6 miles south of St. Francis, Kansas, and 2.5 miles east on Road I. The farm is at intersection of country roads I & 18.
Legal Description:
NE1/4, Section 30, Township-4-South, Range-39-West, Cheyenne County, Kansas. 158.36 Deeded Acres.
The farm has been leased to a neighboring family for 59 years! The tenant has been officially notified of termination of current lease. The lease has been a 2/3rds-1/3rd cropshare lease with landlord getting 1/3 of harvested crop and paying 1/3 of fertilizer expense. At closing, Buyer shall receive full possession of grain sorgum stalk residue. Buyer to receive landlords possession of 2025 winter wheat crop by paying for 1/3 of fertilizer expense. Buyer to receive 1/3 of harvested wheat. Buyer to receive 100% of Seller owned (if any) mineral rights. Buyer to receive hunting rights.
2024 Real Estate Taxes : $813.50 ($5.14/acre)
Offering Price: $498,000 ($3,145/acre) $400,000 PRICE REDUCTION
Listing Agent:
Nick Zerr Gove, KS (785)673-6424
Land for Sale /
Listing Agent
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