Coconino Cty
Nearly 80 pristine acres in the heart of Northern Arizona for hunting, camping, recreation, get-a-way from the world home. Off-grid area, views, varied terrain, and heavily treed. No HOA here! Highest point on the property is around 6700 elevation. Access from 2 different directions. (see directions in listing). Access served by Multiple easements surrounding the property boundary. Road to top for gorgeous views and road to bottom. Seasonal waterway, plenty of wildlife in the area. Very seldom does such a large parcel become available in this area, so head on out and make it your own. Seller Financing Avail with 50% down. See Map of Ranch in Documents
Directions: .I-40 to exit 139 Crookton Rd,, travel to north side of I-40 (old rte 66), just past the RR tracks see the entrance to Westwood on your right. Enter Westwood stay to right which is Ranch Rd
To lower portion of property: Follow 19 miles and turn left on Running Bear Trl. Follow 1.2 miles staying straight to property.
To the upper portion of the property hosting views towards Flagstaff: just past MM 16, veer onto Noseeum. Follow Noseeum to Flat Tank and turn right. Approx 1.5 miles turn left to continue on Flat Tank, follow north, then east where road ends prop on right.
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