Prepping an Orchard

August 10, 2020

Prepping an Orchard

Growing your own fruit provides a number of benefits for you as well as your property. However, before reaping any of these rewards, proper planning is necessary and will greatly enhance your chances for a successful enterprise.

Type – Narrowing down the kind of orchard that will best flourish on your property should be your first step. It’s important to remember that not all fruits will produce in every climate or be able to resist pests in a certain area. Some fruit requires long, cold winters, while others will fruit best in a mild climate. Additionally, specific types of fruit require a narrow range of “chilling hours” before they will flower. Whether you plan to consume your fruit immediately or preserve it for later should also factor into your decision. A good resource for such information is your county Extension Service office.

Site – Sunlight is of utmost concern when choosing where to plant. Very few plants will produce with less than eight hours of direct sunshine. Air circulation is another important factor, as it reduces fruit diseases. Be sure your orchard is open and there is enough room to space plants out. Valley or bottom of hills should be avoided as cold air sinks. Soil needs to be well-drained and you should have an irrigation plan in place. Fencing would be a great addition to your orchard as they tend to attract wildlife.

Space – Fruit plants need room for maintenance. For example, apple, pear, cherry and mulberry trees can be very big even with thinning. Tall trees should be planted north of smaller ones and rows/vines

should run north-south to get maximum sun. They are several innovative ways to train and keep fruit plants productive in tighter spaces, but annual pruning is still one of the most important chores for operating a successful orchard.

United Country Real Estate features experts of all types of land including orchards. To find the land that best fits your needs contact our team at today.


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